May 8-9, 2021 $10 OFF all rugs!
May 8-9, 2021 $10 OFF all rugs!
May 8-9, 2021 $10 OFF all rugs!
May 8-9, 2021 $10 OFF all rugs!
May 8-9, 2021 $10 OFF all rugs!
May 8-9, 2021 $10 OFF all rugs!
Gallery & Reviews
Gallery & Reviews
Handwoven Rugs: 30" wide
Press, TV, & Video

Fox 12 Oregon (kptv)- Good Day Oregon
The 4th annual Washougal Studio Artists Tour gears up for in-person event (4/27/2021)
Recycled Arts Festival: Windy Hill Weavers studio tour (2021)
Washougal Studio Artists: Windy Hill Weavers virtual studio tour (2020)
Kathy Marty Windy Hill Weavers Creator Spotlight (5/23/2021)
The Columbian
Washougal artists plan holiday market (11/4/2021)
Washougal art studio tour set for Mother's Day weekend (4/29/2021)
Camas-Washougal Post-Record
Washougal kicks off first Holiday Art Market this weekend (11/11/2021)
Washougal Studio Artists Tour perseveres after founder's move to CA (4/15/2021)
Beyond Black Friday: Holiday shopping goes local this Thanksgiving weekend (11/26/2020)
Artists head online after 2020 Washougal Studio Artists Tour cancellation (5/28/2020)
Washougal artists prepare for Mother’s Day weekend (5/2/2019)
Artist Sunday coming to your computer on Nov. 29 (11/19/2020)
Artist and vintage treasures can be found at the Downtown Camas Vintage & Art Faire (8/8/2018)
Interview with a Repurposer: Windy Hill Weavers (10/29/2018)